
A Dreamer....always thinking about the bigger picture...

'The doors of wisdom are never shut'

Hi got curious enough to click on that little blue box and found my hidden corner. Don't you love secret worlds? :) This is an extension to my profile where I have added a bit more info about myself. Also it's a nice way to mark 10 years (2012-2022) on MDL and some of the highlights. For those who have known me for a long time or have seen me around (you know who you are...) you can read more about the elusive Winnie haha. For those who have stumbled into this hidden corner......welcome :)

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud....

Home: Hong Kong/London
Languages Spoken: Cantonese/English
Likes: Travelling, Reading, Nature Walks, Zumba, Bubble Tea,
Nutella, Spring/Summer, Dogs, Sitting outside cafes people watching, Live theatre shows, Favourite colour: Blue
Dislikes: Very big crowds, Heights, Pushy sales peoplePlaces I have visited: South Korea (Busan & Daegu), China (Macau), NYC, Orlando, San-Francisco, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, France (Paris), Spain (Marbella, Torremolinos & Tenerife), Portugal (Olhos de Agua), Switzerland, Italy (Rome & Venice), The Netherlands (Amsterdam), Belguim (Bruges)
Next place to visit: Japan

How do you spend time on MDL?
When I have time I sometimes share drama updates on the feeds and join in forum games. The site has been great because it helps me keep track of everything and I love making custom lists. I like to keep things organised which makes it easier for me to look things up when I make recommendations.
Do you listen to K-pop?
Generally I don't but my K-pop fan niece sometimes sends me songs she likes. I love listening to OSTs and I have a big collection of OST/Instrumental songs/music from dramas, movies, anime I liked. I'm pretty selective with what goes into the playlist so only certain tracks I found memorable will get added. I was lucky to go to a BTS concert (which was amazing!) held in London in 2018. My sister-in-law got free tickets from work and of course this made my niece jump for joy! I was the cool Auntie who went along with her lol. It was an exciting and memorable event.
Adele Concert - Hyde Park, London (1st July 2022)
It was an amazing event. It's been a wish come true to see her perform live. She's one of my favourite artists and the only one I would attend a big crowd to see. 65,000 people attended which was overwhelming for me but seeing Adele sing live made it worth while :)
Have you seen anyone famous?
During one of the London Korean Film Festivals Jung Woo Sung sat 3 rows (so close...) behind me. It was one of my highlights of that year. He is one of my favourite actors so I count myself lucky to get the chance to see him. During one visit to the Hyper Japan festival in London I sat at a Q&A event to see Ken Watanabe and Osawa Takao. At another Korean film festival I saw veteran actor Ahn Sung Ki, Yoon Je Moon and Youn Yuh Jung which was amazing since she is one of my favourite actresses.
Final Thoughts....
My journey into dramaland has been interesting and fun despite regretting a few drama choices lol.
I like chance encounters whether it's finding an overlooked drama that hardly anyone has watched or reading something that changes or opens my perspective. At long last my (offline) friends have started watching K-dramas so it has been fun talking to them about dramas and sharing recommendations. Anyway if you are up for any recommendations on dramas or movies feel free to DM me.

Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder...

'Humans cannot live without believing in fantasy'
Queen Seon Duk (S.K, 2009)
'Until our souls cross paths in this boundless sphere of fate'
The House in Fata Morgana